The DANX Carousel Group is a logistics specialist, focusing on critical service logistics for aftermarket and spare parts across Europe. Unlike traditional providers however, DANX Carousel is worlds away from just moving products from A to B. Instead, their end-to-end solutions deliver a value-driven service, that align to client needs and respond to changing requirements. In January this year, Scandinavian private equity house, Axcel, announced the simultaneous acquisition of Carousel and Danish in-night logistics provider DANX. The joint company (now known as The DANX Carousel Group) has strong and growing positions in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Iberia, Nordics and the Baltics, with revenues of c. €200m. How DANX Carousel is Different The roots of the company are built upon the fact that fixed logistics networks no longer suit the consumer behaviour of today’s modern world. While traditional logistics continue to operate through rigid, unconnected components, DANX Carousel prioritises dynamic, digital systems and experiences that remove the need for customers to compromise. They excel when partnering with industries where there is a high cost of failure, and where service delivery goes way beyond just being ‘on time’. Instead, DANX Carousel’s approach is to combine customer-first logistics with data intelligence to deliver precise, personalised and sustainable experiences on behalf of its clients. Company Positioning DANX Carousel works with a range of industries including MedTech, Agriculture, Automotive, Construction and Materials Handling. Reliability of service is of the utmost importance within these sectors, not least during recent years: “Global supply chain issues such as Brexit, the Covid-19 Pandemic and the fuel crisis have all put a strain on the logistics industry during the last few years” says DANX Carousel Chair (and former Carousel CEO) Jonathan Simpson-Dent. “Over the last 12 months, every part of our business has been tested, but I’m so immensely proud of the way we’ve overcome these challenges and continued to deliver for our clients day-in, day-out, and our solutions are stronger as a result.” Supporting its clients throughout the pandemic, and during the complexity of the Brexit transition period, DANX Carousel helped ensure life-critical products including COVID-19 testing kits, PPE equipment and high-tech medical devices were available when and where needed. Culture, Delivery and the Future “Our culture and values sit at the very heart of DANX Carousel – they are deeply embedded in the foundation of the business” says Jonathan. “Our three key values - we care, we collaborate, we commit - are what it takes to deliver great service to our clients and it’s something that each and every member of the team embodies.” In fact, it’s Jonathan’s long-held belief that only when businesses remain relevant, and have a strong purpose-led culture, that they can thrive: “Our culture is without doubt the reason we have been able to perform at such a high level for our clients. No one individual can take the credit for the achievements we’ve made during the last few years. It’s been a real group effort and I’m proud of every member of the team for all that we have accomplished.” Jonathan continues, “Our mission for 2022 and beyond is to bring these two great businesses together, marrying our unique strengths with regional leadership and sector expertise. We are harnessing the best of both DANX and Carousel to accelerate growth, investment in service and expansion across Europe, in response to ever growing demand.” www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Un i t ed Ki ngdom Awa rds 202 2 The UK ’s Lead i ng Cr i t i ca l Se r v i ce Log i st i cs F i rm Execu t i ve of t he Yea r DANX Carousel Chair (and former Carousel CEO) Jonathan Simpson-Dent i n f o @ c a r o u s e l . e u | + 4 4 ( 0 ) 3 4 5 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 | w w w . c a r o u s e l . e u 67
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