Wincanton is a leading supply chain partner for British business, providing supply chain solutions up and down the country with colleagues working across more than 200 sites. We are great people delivering sustainable supply chain value. Through a wealth of experience and knowledge Wincanton provides business critical services including storage, handling and distribution; high volume eFulfilment; retailer ‘dark stores’; two-person home delivery; fleet and transport management; and network optimisation for many of the UK’s best-known companies. Our teams play a significant and often invisible role in the lives of people across the United Kingdom. 24 hours a day they ensure that stores are stocked, that construction sites keep working and that the wheels of commerce keep turning. We deliver the milk and sugar for your coffee, food for your table, furniture for your home, fuel for your car, and many more essential services too. In short, our people are the unsung heroes who make many of the nation’s key supply chains run efficiently, moving, storing and delivering goods as they travel from source to retailers, sites and homes across the United Kingdom. In return we aim to work hard to ensure that working for us works for them. We do everything we can to provide an inclusive work environment to make sure our colleagues are safe at work and have the support they need to enjoy long and enjoyable careers with Wincanton. Our Vision Is to deliver long-term sustainable supply chain solutions and make a positive impact on all of our stakeholders and become the best performing and most trusted supply chain partner. Why Wincanton? Wincanton provides business critical services ensuring we add value and deliver an outstanding customer experience for many of the UK’s best-known companies. Wincanton works closely with its customers to understand their markets, so we can deliver the right solutions that suit their brand. We are active across a range of markets including food and consumer goods; retail and manufacturing; eCommerce; the public sector; major infrastructure; building materials; fuel; and defence. With almost 100 years’ heritage, Wincanton’s 19,600-strong team operates from more than 200 sites across the country, utilising 3,500 vehicles. What makes us different Through our experience we know that every supply chain solution is different. We have a reputation for delivering service excellence and value to our customers. Our customers need a supply chain partner to have solutions to challenges they face in their markets. Innovation Creating a new supply chain reality through next-generation thinking. Supply chain focused innovation enables customers to navigate the challenges of tomorrow, develop new propositions, transform the consumer experience and grow their market share. W2 is our way of delivering supply chain innovation. Without innovation there is no progress: at Wincanton we created W2 to differentiate how we think and act on innovation, specifically how we create new ideas and harness these to deliver real outcomes. We believe innovation and collaboration are symbiotic, with colleagues, clients, supply partners and academics fulfilling their role. www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Un i t ed Ki ngdom Awa rds 202 2 Log i st i cs Leade r of t he Yea r CEO of Wincanton James Wroath w w w . w i n c a n t o n . c o . u k 62
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