www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Un i t ed Ki ngdom Awa rds 202 2 54 Rita-Rose Gagné has extensive experience in international real estate investment and strategy. Prior to joining Hammerson, Rita-Rose was President of Growth Markets at the global real estate company, Ivanhoé Cambridge, where she had responsibility for $7.6bn of real estate assets across Asia Pacific and Latin America. Rita-Rose joined Ivanhoé Cambridge in 2006 and held a variety of roles from Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs and General Counsel at Société immobilière TransQuébec (SITQ) to Executive Vice President of Global Strategy, Portfolio Management and Investment Funds at Ivanhoé Cambridge. As Executive Vice President, RitaRose was tasked with developing, leading and executing the investment strategy in Asia and Latin America, prior to being made President of Growth Markets. Rita-Rose is also a lawyer and holds an MBA from McGill-HEC Montreal. During her career, she has worked in property markets across the world, including the UK, France and Germany, and her expertise spans across various asset classes and mixed-use assets, including residential, retail, office and logistics. About Rita-Rose
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