We are a leading non–bank lender. We provide swift, competitive shortterm property finance for our clients so that they can realise opportunities and progress developments. With a strong capital base to lend, whether looking to acquire a new property, unlocking equity in a current property or initiating a property investment or refurbishment, we can find a lending solution that is tailored to exactly what is needed. We offer a range of bridging loan products that can suit your financing requirements . Like any short term financial solution, they serve as a simple interim loan that can cover the first steps of financing a property. We have a senior-leadership team on hand, who are deeply experienced in the real estate and financial worlds, who can offer a unique understanding of our clients’ challenges. Our dedicated underwriters will guide and support every loan from the initial enquiry through to the loan completion, where we have an efficient credit approval process in place, so our clients should never have to miss an opportunity. The talent and dedication of the people working at Glenhawk makes everything we do possible. We work hard to optimise our knowledge and experience, allowing us to give a fresh and courageous outlook in an industry we are incredibly passionate to work in. How we think. Honesty The foundation of our business is based on trust. Each and every member of our team prides themselves on their reliability and accountability for both our internal and external business practises. Open, direct and transparent communication is an essential part of this, allowing us to exercise judgement with thought and integrity. Passion Guy founded Glenhawk as a developer himself, knowing from experience, exactly what he wanted from a short-term property finance partner. Now a leading visionary in the market, our foundation was built with a commitment to providing fair and ethical short-term finance, where we continually question processes to create positive change. Service We believe in a relationship led approach, where our primary responsibility is to our clients, who entrust us to achieve their goals. We pride ourselves on our ability to be responsive, knowledgeable and proactive at all times, with the aim of creating long term partnerships and positive returns for our clients. Why partner with us? Speed We understand your urgency and can be trusted to move fast so you can too. Rates We provide low and competitive market leading rates, for new and existing clients. Minimal Fees We work ethically and want to create long lasting relationships, not one off deals. Direct Contact We are friendly and approachable, with our senior team on hand at all times. Transparency We will always provide an open, honest and direct level of communication. Flexible We work on a case by case basis; we understand every client and loan is different. www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Un i t ed Ki ngdom Awa rds 202 2 Prope r t y F i nanc i ng Leade r of t he Yea r CEO & Founder of Glenhawk Guy Harrington w w w . g l e n h a w k . c o m 53
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