C EO T O D A Y UNITED KINGDOM A W A R D S 2 0 2 2 Welcome to the 2022 Edition of the CEO Today United KingdomAwards. The CEO Today United Kingdom Awards is an annual endeavour to recognise exemplary business leaders in Britain and Northern Ireland whose talent and leadership skills have placed them at the apex of their sectors. Even in the face of exceptionally trying times, we have seen many astonishing displays of leadership from CEOs and entrepreneurs across the United Kingdom. At CEO Today, we have made it our mission to bring these inspiring professionals to light, granting rising talents and disruptive visionaries the recognition they are due. The business leaders featured here are drawn from a range of sectors and regions across the breadth of the UK. This year’s release has profiled a collection of the UK’s brightest industry-leading professionals. Leaders of note in 2022 include Lucy Anderson, whose work as CEO of WooWoo is overturning the status quo in feminine hygiene and care, and ViiV CEO Deborah Waterhouse, who continues to lead the healthcare sector’s charge against HIV. You will find profiles of these two and many more excellent pioneers in the pages of our latest release. We at CEO Today are proud to present this special publication. Congratulations to all of our winners and finalists. 5 www. ceotodaymagazine . com
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