Maddy joined NAVCA as our CEO in March 2021. Her previous roles include CEO of Voluntary Action Sheffield, one of NAVCA’s members, and a range of posts in the Civil Service, including as Deputy Director for Higher Education at BEIS. She’s really keen to build on existing relationships and connections and be an influential and persuasive voice at national level, setting out the critical nature of local infrastructure at national level, demonstrating the importance of local infrastructure support for resilient communities as the best path to recovery. representing the specific views of the local voluntary sector to government at national and regional level. We tell the story of local sector support and development Our members do a fantastic job of supporting the vitally important local voluntary sector within their communities. Most of the time they are so busy doing that work, they don’t have time or capacity to blow their own trumpets. We are proud to share their stories, and to demonstrate every day just why they are so important to the success of a thriving, healthy, local voluntary sector. Local infrastructure makes so much possible. www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Un i t ed Ki ngdom Awa rds 202 2 About Maddy Local infrastructure makes so much possible. 41
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