NAVCA is the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action. We support local social action We are the only national membership body specifically for local sector support and development organisations (also known as local infrastructure) in England. Alongside our members, we are part of the movement for local social action. Our members support around 200,000 local charities and voluntary groups across the country, helping them to thrive and deliver essential services within their communities. Through NAVCA, our members share knowledge, experience and best practice. We provide spaces, face-to-face and online, for them and our team to network and learn. NAVCA has a credible, influential voice in key national forums. By listening to our members, we understand the concerns and issues that they are facing locally and we create opportunities for their views, opinions and concerns to be heard at a national level. We speak about the value and contribution of local infrastructure to policy makers and decision takers, emphasising impact of our members and their vital role in building and maintaining strong, resilient and thriving communities. We bring our members together We regularly host member forums and roundtables on a wide range of topics, on everything from their views on proposed government policy to the essential role our members play in a local emergency or crisis incident. Our AGM is another opportunity for our members to come together. Our latest conference brought together representatives of local sector support and development organisations, to hear insightful and challenging speakers, share their views and opinions, ask questions and network with their friends and colleagues from the NAVCA family. We share insight, knowledge and intelligence We regularly share sector-specific research and intelligence, drawn from our own data and analysis, that of our members or from other relevant sources. We provide sector-specific briefings on national policy developments and proposals. The NAVCA ‘hivemind’ is a rich and relevant source of knowledge, guidance and advice for any member looking for the answer to a tricky question or a view from their colleagues on a particular topic. We give our members a voice We are uniquely able to give a voice to the community of local sector support and development organisations in England. By consulting directly with our members on key issues - and responding to the concerns they have - we are able to speak with credibility and assurance, www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Un i t ed Ki ngdom Awa rds 202 2 Non -Prof i t Leade r of t he Yea r CEO of NAVCA Maddy Desforges We are uniquely able to give a voice to the community of local sector support and development organisations in England. w w w . n a v c a . o r g . u k 40
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