We are a housing association – one of the biggest in the country, with almost 45,000 homes spread across central and south west England. We believe in providing warm, safe and secure homes. But ultimately, we’re a people business. Not only do we care about the 100,000 people who live in our homes, we want them to thrive. We believe that having a great place to call home is just the start and with the right relationships and someone who believes in your potential, almost anything is possible. Our customers are the people that live in our homes for rent and shared ownership. Our customers are also those who rent our garages and our commercial buildings and those buying one of our homes for outright sale. That’s why we will continue to make a difference by investing in relationships and in connecting people, so our customers get to where they want to be. Because when they succeed, we succeed and that success drives us to do even more. That’s why our purpose is simple and honest: We invest in homes and relationships so people can thrive. But what makes us unique is: • we seek a relationship with each of our customers that builds mutual trust and respect and helps our customers achieve more for themselves, their families and their communities • our colleagues, the culture and DNA of our organisation are precious and vital to our success • our scale enables us to do more and be transformative for customers and whole communities • we know we need to be financially strong to achieve any of these things. So we do not apologise for giving financial strength central importance. Nor do we apologise for recognising that we will achieve far more by working in partnership with others than we will on our own Our core business We describe our core business as the primary activities that define us and the main reason for which we exist. We deliver our core business across our entire operating area. Our core business is: • the management of social and affordable housing • the maintenance of social and affordable housing and associated facilities including garages • neighbourhood coaching • development of social and affordable rented homes • development of shared ownership homes We also provide value-added activities in places where we have a high concentration of homes, usually in partnership with other organisations. These activities include: • new supported or specialist housing for the elderly or disabled • investment in health, wellbeing, employability or education initiatives • properties for sale as part of a mixed income, mixed tenure scheme – including retirement living • housing-related support contracts • market sale, helping generate profit for us to reinvest in our core business Our DNA The Bromford DNA is at the heart of who we are, what we do and why we do it. More than 500 colleagues were involved in creating our DNA, talking about why Bromford is special for them, what makes us different and how we should operate. Now our colleagues are working together every day bringing the DNA to life in everything they do. www. ceotodaymagazine . com CEO Today Un i t ed Ki ngdom Awa rds 202 2 Soc i a l Ente rpr i se Expe r t of t he Yea r Chief Executive of Bromford Robert Nettleton w w w . b r o m f o r d . c o . u k 35
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